Embrace Life Today

A few months ago, I shared some things that God had been teaching me about singleness with a group of single women. One of my encouragements was this:

Embrace the title homemaker.

We do not have to be married and have a family to make a home—to be a homemaker. We can make any space into a place of refuge, a command center, and a place of ministry—that’s what a home is. Regardless of our relationship status, we can create a beautiful, welcoming environment in our homes.

As I discussed this thought with these single women, one woman acknowledged that although she has a house, she has not decorated it because she does not have a husband and children to decorate it for.

Recently, I talked with a woman who has been widowed twice and has ministered to many widows. She shared that although she has enjoyed decorating in each phase of life, many widows struggle to decorate the house for each season because they feel they no longer have someone to decorate it for.

These stories sadden me. When I moved into my first apartment, I delighted in decorating it. Decorating for each season was a whole new adventure. Although I occasionally had a friend over to the apartment, I was the one who got the most enjoyment out of my decorations. Of course, it was a lot of work, too! But I found great pleasure in it.

Now that I live in a larger house with another single woman, I enjoy working with my roommate to decorate our home. We decorate for each season—to such an extreme that we change the wall décor! It is a monumental task, but we delight in sitting in our living room afterward enjoying our beautiful surroundings. Then we look forward sharing our home when hosting a Bible study or gathering with friends.

Finding a Reason to Decorate

For my roommate, it is important for her to have someone to decorate for. Although she thinks it could be depressing decorating for only herself, having people over makes her feel that she is decorating for others. For me, I just enjoy looking at beautiful things myself—whether or not anyone else sees the decorations.

So here is my encouragement for this week:

Embrace life today.

Don’t wait to decorate your home. If you enjoy decorating, do it! Design a beautiful space that you can enjoy and invite others into. If you do not enjoy decorating, do whatever brings you godly joy. Do not put good, beautiful things on hold just because you are in a season that you don’t think justifies it. God loves beauty. He loves godly fun! If it helps, design your space for the pleasure and delight of your Heavenly Husband (Isaiah 54:4).

I am sure He will love seeing your creativity and joy unleashed.

Copyright © 2025 by Carmen Dillon. All rights reserved.


Find more biblical insights and practical tips about making a home in my book Opening the Hope Chest: A Single Girl’s Guide to Homemaking.

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